Can you have you own children after being a surrogate?

Surrogacy-Quote-47by SW

Hi. I am looking into this for the first time. A friend of mine can not have children due to an accident earlier in her life. I have given birth to two full term healthy boys..january 2006 and december 2006 (you read that correctly, both in 2006). I am just curious on if being a surrogate would hinder me having additional children for my self if I ever wanted to. I am not married and I am only 23 so its pretty important for me to have the option of having more children if I wanted. I didn’t know if the injections would cause problems there or anything? Thanks a lot. SW

Reply by Rayven

Hi SW,

You’re a great friend for considering surrogacy!

A potential surrogate mother should ALWAYS be done having her own children before becoming a surrogate mother for someone else. In any pregnancy, it is possible for complications to arise that will make it difficult, or impossible, for you to carry any more children.

With surrogacy, you have a slightly higher chance of complications because you have a higher chance of carrying multiples.

Will something go wrong? Probably not. But it would be heartbreaking if you lost your uterus or ovaries when you knew you wanted more children. It has happened more than once that a surrogate mother has turned into an intended mother later in life to complete her own family.

My advice is simple: wait until you are done having your own children before having them for someone else.

Best wishes!

Posted in Ask a Surrogate.