how can an intended mother build a prenatal relationship with the baby when the baby is inside the surrogate mother ?

Surrogacy-Quote-45by lidwina.

it’s always been said that prenatal relationship means a lot before the baby was born, the bonding; the talking; the kicking.. by having a strong bond with your baby, you are preparing your baby for the real world, and this strong bond itself will give you confident do give birth..
How can an intended mother can build a prenatal relationship with the baby while the baby is inside surrogate’s mother womb?

Reply by Rayven

Unfortunately, it is difficult for an intended mother to build a relationship with her unborn child. Before entering into a surrogacy, intended parents need to realize that they are not going to have the same experiences as if they themselves were pregnant.

A few ideas, however, are to speak to the baby when visiting your surrogate. Feel for kicks, talk with your child. Do this on a regular basis.

Another option is to record yourself reading a story on a CD, and have your surrogate mother place headphones over her belly and let the baby listen. This may seem silly, but the baby would hear your voice.

And remember, the “experts” don’t know everything! Don’t stress about the things you cannot control.

Best wishes.

Posted in Ask a Surrogate.