16 Months of Trying and Miscarriages End in Pregnancy

…from a reader

In the summer of 2000, I found myself divorced and left to raise 2 children without any help. I always wanted a large family, but at that moment in time it was the furthest thing from my mind. I was more concerned with providing a suitable life for the two children I was already responsible for.

Two years later I ran into an old friend from middle school. We picked up right where we left off only this time around we had a different connection. I knew from the first moment we reconnected that he and I were meant to be together. We spent day and night catching up and with each passing moment I was reassured that he was the one.

After 3 amazing years, we decided we were ready to create a new life together. He loved my two children and treated them as if they were his, but we felt that having a child together would complete our circle of love. So, with passion and optimism we set forth.

Month after month we were discouraged. We were doing everything by the book. I woke up at 6am every morning to check and chart my temperature. I stopped smoking and he gave up caffeine. Still, nothing was working. Each cycle would end with heartbreak and one red line indicating I was not pregnant.

Finally, in March of 2006, our prayers were answered. Two beautiful red lines appeared on a home pregnancy test. We were delighted and couldn’t wait to tell the world. Sadly, a few days later, our miracle child was no more. We miscarried and soon after depression set in.

We went to visit a doctor who deals with high risk pregnancies and infertility. He informed us that we should start trying again as soon as we’re emotionally ready. He felt that there was nothing to worry about from a medical perspective. So that’s just what we did. Four months later we conceived, only to have that one taken from us as well. I felt helpless and hopeless.

Why couldn’t I get pregnant? I asked myself that question everyday! My husband became curious as well. That’s when we decided that we should start seeking medical help. A few weeks later we made an appointment with the infertility clinic in our area. We had planned to get a semen analysis done to see if our complications were due to a sperm issue.

The woman on the phone was very friendly and reassuring. Though I was saddened by ours losses, I was feeling hopeful once again. I couldn’t wait to find out what was preventing us from conceiving so we could fix it and move forward.

The night before our appointment at the clinic, I felt different. Something seemed off within my body. I didn’t think for a moment that I was pregnant but I had one last test laying around the house and figured I would use it. To my amazement it was positive!

The very next morning I called the clinic to cancel my appointment. I told them I found out the night before that I was pregnant. The woman on the line congratulated me and shared her heartfelt positive wishes. Naturally I was scared that this pregnancy would end in miscarriage as well, but we were truly blessed.

In May of 2007, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He is our miracle child. After 16 months of trying we were finally given the gift of life that we so desperately longed for. Today we celebrated his 3rd birthday, and what an amazing three years it has been!

Posted in Infertility Stories.