Surrogacy blogs are a great way to hear stories from intended parents as well as surrogate mothers. This list will also help you get the facts and helpfulness you will need before, during, and after your surrogate motherhood journey.
Surrogacy Blogs
As you continue your journey, whether you are a gestational surrogate mother, a traditional surrogate, an egg donor, or an intended parent, its only natural that you will want to connect with others who are sharing this experience. Here you will find a selection of blogs written by surrogate mothers, egg donors, and intended parents. Hear their stories. Learn from their perspective.
Blogs by Surrogate Mothers
New Information on Surrogacy Pages
Find out what’s new on this website, your source of info for surrogate mothers and intended parents in the United States.
My Body. Their Baby.
My Journey As A First-Time Gestational Surrogate Helping To Create A Modern Family.
Bump Fairy
All things related to a surrogate’s journey. This blog has been a journal of my journey through life as a Gestational Surrogate.
Not Quite What I Had Planned
Everything on this site is true, except for the stuff I made up.
Robyn on Surrogacy
A surrogate mom’s journey.
Beautiful Surrogacy: A Surrogate’s Journey (Canada)
I’m writing this blog to help people who are either considering being a surrogate or using one. I hope that it shines some light on the process and the feelings that are involved. I see pregnancy, birth and parenting as such a beautiful thing and I am happy I get to share in this experience.
Journey into Surrogacy
Follow along as I dive into the emotional world of becoming a surrogate mother.
Not Mine This Time
My journey as a gestational surrogate.
Precious Cargo
A Surrogate’s Diary
My Surrogate Journey with My 2 Daddys
I am a gestataional surrogate mother for two wonderful men. I look forward to sharing my journey with other people.
Blogs by Intended Parents
UK Support
Information, articles, reviews and commentary. For Intended Parents and anyone interested in this process.
Countdown to Daddyhood
Follow Victor & Chris’s journey to fatherhood.
And Baby Makes Five…or Six!
Follow along on our journey to parenthood…and babies make six!
Our Surro Adventure
i am a 33 year old woman who lost the battle with PCOS and Von Willeband’s disease. this is about how we came to this journey, and the process of getting to the finish line. we are getting there, but it has been a very long road.
One Potato, Two Potato
The story of two dads starting a family with help from a surrogate mother in Lowell, MA …
One Kid Wonder
From her miraculous arrival to the normalcy of daily life. This is our story…
The Absolute Barrenness
My journey of miscarriage, uterine rupture, infertility & surrogate motherhood