The Doctors Said We Couldn’t Get Pregnant

…from a reader

In 2001 I went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. After waiting hours in the ER and then hours more in the exam room the doctor came in and told me that I had Polycystic Ovarian Disease and that I had an ovarian cyst that had ruptured.

I had never heard of that condition at all and was completely terrified. In a matter of minutes he basically told me not to ever expect to have children or to even try. I was completely devastated.

Three years passed and I got married. My husband and I never expected to have the chance to be parents unless we eventually decided to adopt. We were completely open to adoption and had decided this would be the way we would go when we were ready. We were not at a point in our lives that we were ready to have a child but we knew that some day that’s what we wanted.

In 2008 we were both working full time jobs. We had also moved onto a farm and were working nearly full time there in the evenings and on weekends.

In February of that year I had gone to work and a customer told me that I looked pretty that day. This really made me suspicious. You have to understand that my job was not a place that you looked pretty. I was working for a large format printing company and was always hot and sweaty. So, being told that I looked pretty made me start thinking.

I was due to have my period the following week, so, I wasn’t late yet. When I got home that evening, I went ahead and took a pregnancy test just out of curiosity. Almost instantly it was positive. I thought I was going to faint! My husband and I never used protection, but I was on oral contraceptives.

After 7 years of being told by various doctors that I couldn’t get pregnant… I was pregnant.

The next few days were a whirlwind of emotions. I was crying and saying I don’t want to be a Mom. Finally, after sitting on my couch and sobbing for hours one day, it sank in. I was really going to be a Mommy.

My pregnancy was hard. None of the hardships I went through were major. Just the normal sickness and aches and pains. I managed to get through and on November 4th, the day Obama was elected President, my daughter was born.

She has been the biggest joy of my life. I can’t imagine my life without her in it. I feel blessed that I was chosen to be her Mommy and I don’t know what I would do without her.

Posted in Infertility Stories.