Teen Mom Birth – I Don’t Regret a Thing

…from a reader

I became pregnant my senior year in high school and was induced before I graduated. When I went in to have my son, I did not once regret my decision to have my baby.

I went in for a scheduled inducement at 6:00 am on March 5th, 2007, which was two weeks before my scheduled due date. I wanted to have a natural birth instead of a cesarean because my baby was still small enough to go that way.

I honestly believe that if I had waited two more weeks, then I would have been forced to have a cesarean. I wish that the nurses would have given me some more information on what I should and should not have done before going in. I waived getting an epidural, as I do not like the thought of having a needle anywhere near my spine.

Everything went well for a while. The Demerol made me go in and out of consciousness for a bit until my contractions became really close together. When they first put the drug into my system that told me that it would make me throw up. I sorta laughed it off, but of course, I threw up.

The nurses neglected to tell me that eating before an inducement would be a bad idea, so everything I ate came right back.

One of my few comforts during the birth was a stuffed frog that my best friend gave me during my labor. I held onto it the entire time.

My boyfriend at the time was little help to me. He sat in a corner the whole time because I cursed at him during labor.

My mother was terribly annoying. She was in my ear the whole time telling me to push. My son took about 11 hours to be born, but I have heard that 11 hours is not too bad for a first child.

I had a little trouble giving birth to him. I am a small woman and my son wasn’t big, but big enough that they had to use some type of plunger to help me get him out. I was terrified when he finally did come out though, because the plunger had made his head into a cone-shaped.

I remember crying and screaming, “What is wrong with my baby!”. The nurses and doctor calmed me down and told me that his head would regain its normal shape.

I was so exhausted. Just after they handed my beautiful baby to me, all my friends came into the birthing room. I was delighted to tears to see so many of them there. One friend even gave me a beautiful poem that she wrote on heavy paper in calligraphy.

I have no regrets from giving birth to my son at such a young age. The greatest joy of my life was getting to hold my new born son, and knowing that I helped to create him.

Posted in Birth Stories.