Cesarean Birth Video – Cesarean Section Procedure C Section Video

This cesarean birth video section is intended to help all intended parents and surrogate mothers understand what will be happening with a cesarean section procedure.

Whether it is an elective c section or an emergency c section delivery, watch the following c section video clips to prepare for the birth of surrogate babies.

A cesarean section procedure is common in surrogacy for several reasons.

First, there is a higher chance of multiple births.

Second, the more pregnancies a woman has, the greater the eventuality that she will ultimately have a c section delivery, and third, elective c sections are commonly sought to facilitate the presence of all parties.

The following childbirth videos are graphic, and may not be suitable for children.

Cesarean Section Procedure Medical Animation Video

The first of the childbirth videos is a medical animation created for doctors offices to help go over c section delivery with patients. This c section video is very well made; please ignore the “sample” across the screen and take it for what it’s worth.

C Section Delivery of Quadruplets

In 50% of twin pregnancies, and 100% of triplets, quadruplets, or quintuplets, a c section delivery is required in all hospital settings. If your surrogate mother is pregnant with multiples, this c section video, taken by a father watching the birth of his quadruplets, should be viewed.

This c section delivery video is a typical example of what will happen in the operating room. This c section video also goes into detail with the stitching of the uterus after delivery, something that most intended parents will not see (they are busy with their new surrogate babies) but something surrogate mothers should see before the time comes.

Cesarean Birth Video

This is my favorite c section delivery video. The doctors performing the cesarean section procedure really reach in to grab the baby, and suddenly he “pops” his head out to say hello. Graphic!

C Section Video

This cesarean birth video really shows the pressure a surrogate mother experiences when going through a cesarean section procedure. The belly is prodded, pushed, and manipulated and the baby is practically tugged out of there! The mother had a c section delivery due to placenta previa. Again, this is real life.

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